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Manifestation Journal with Amethyst Pen

Regular price $15.55

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This manifestation journal comes bound in black velvet and makes the perfect place to keep track of hopes, dream and intentions. Features lined pages with 'I write with intention to manifest my dreams' text and comes with an elegant amethyst crystal chip ballpoint pen. 

A manifestation journal, also known as a law of attraction journal or vision journal, is a personal journal or notebook that people use to manifest their desires, goals, and intentions. It's a tool often associated with the law of attraction, a belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. Here's how a manifestation journal typically works:

Setting Intentions: To start, you set clear and specific intentions for what you want to manifest in your life. These intentions can relate to various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, health, or personal growth.

Positive Affirmations: In your manifestation journal, you write down positive affirmations and statements related to your intentions. These affirmations are often written in the present tense, as if the desired outcome has already occurred. For example, "I am confident and successful in my career."

Visualization: You may include visual elements in your journal, such as pictures, images, or drawings that represent your goals. Visualizing your desires can make them feel more real and attainable.

Daily Practice: Many people make it a daily practice to write in their manifestation journal. This reinforces their intentions and keeps them focused on their goals. Some prefer to write in the morning to set the tone for the day, while others do it in the evening to reflect on the day's experiences.

Gratitude: Expressing gratitude is a common element of manifestation journals. Alongside your intentions, you may write down things you're thankful for in your current life. Gratitude is seen as a powerful way to attract positive energy.

Tracking Progress: As you make progress toward your goals, you can use your journal to track your achievements and the signs of your manifestations coming to fruition. This can be motivating and affirming.

Reinforcement: Revisiting your journal entries regularly helps reinforce your positive beliefs and intentions. It keeps your mind focused on your goals and aligns your actions with your desires.

Flexibility: Manifestation journals can be flexible. Some people prefer handwritten journals, while others use digital tools or vision boards. What's most important is the intention and the belief behind the practice.

The idea behind a manifestation journal is that by consistently focusing on your intentions, reinforcing positive beliefs, and taking aligned actions, you can attract and manifest your desires and goals into your life. It's a practice that emphasizes the power of positive thinking and intention setting. However, it's important to approach manifestation with a realistic mindset and understand that it's just one tool among many for achieving your goals.

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