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Rustic Hanging Wooden Pentagram Star Ornament

Regular price $8.88

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A medium hanging wooden pentagram which can be used to decorate the home for Winter Solstice, the ancient pagan holiday known for traditions and rituals that celebrate nature, rebirth, transformation and the oncoming season. 

A pentagram is a five-pointed star that is often enclosed within a circle. It is a symbol with a long history and various interpretations across different cultures and belief systems.

In modern Western symbolism, the pentagram is often associated with Wicca, a modern pagan, witchcraft, and neopagan religious movement. In this context, the pentagram is often seen as a symbol of protection and a representation of the elements: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Each of the five points corresponds to one of these elements.

The pentagram can be associated with the winter solstice in the following ways:

Celebration of the Seasons: In various pagan and neopagan traditions, the winter solstice is an important holiday known as Yule. It marks the longest night of the year and the return of the sun's light, symbolizing the cycle of rebirth and renewal. The pentagram, with its five points representing the elements and their symbolism, is often used in Yule celebrations as a way to honor the changing of the seasons.

Protection and Magic: The pentagram is seen as a protective symbol, and it's often used in magical and ritual practices, including those associated with the winter solstice. It can be drawn or worn as an amulet to provide spiritual protection during this time of transition when the days begin to grow longer again.

Elemental Significance: As mentioned earlier, the pentagram represents the five elements, and these elements are often associated with specific seasons. For instance, water is linked to winter. The pentagram's elemental symbolism can thus be connected to the changing seasons, including the transition from fall to winter during the solstice.

It's important to note that the pentagram is a complex and multifaceted symbol with diverse interpretations, and its meaning can vary significantly depending on the specific tradition or belief system in which it is used. In the context of the winter solstice, it is primarily associated with its symbolism related to the changing of seasons, protection, and elemental connections.

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