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Spells: A Little Deck of Enchantments | Oracle Deck

Regular price $15.00

Only 1 in stock

Simple spells are the best! This little deck of witchery will have aspiring witches casting easy, practical spells in no time at all. Choose a card based on your intention or let your intuition guide you to what you need by pulling one at random. Love, money, peace, protection, for the home or work, travel or play, there's a spell for that and it only takes a moment.  The small and compact design of these 40 cards makes it easy to tuck into a jacket pocket or bag for witchy inspiration on the go. A great little gift for any witch.

• Box Dimensions 3" x 2.25"


Lucid Willow Disclaimer: Spell Casting

Engaging in spell casting involves the use of ritualistic practices with the intent of influencing energy and events. Before participating in spell casting or seeking information on this topic, it is important to consider the following disclaimer:

1. Intent and Responsibility: Spell casting is a personal choice, and individuals engaging in such practices assume full responsibility for their intentions and actions. The outcomes of spell casting are subjective and may vary based on individual beliefs, energy, and the sincerity of intentions.

2. Not a Substitute for Professional Advice: Spell casting should not be considered a substitute for professional advice, medical diagnosis, or therapeutic intervention. Individuals facing serious life challenges are encouraged to seek guidance from qualified professionals in the respective fields.

3. Ethical Considerations: Practitioners of spell casting should approach their practice with ethical considerations, respecting the free will and well-being of others. Intentions should be set for positive and constructive purposes, avoiding harm or manipulation.

4. Cultural Sensitivity: Spell casting practices may have cultural and historical roots. Practitioners and participants are urged to approach these practices with cultural sensitivity, avoiding appropriation or misinterpretation of traditions associated with them.

5. Safety Precautions: Some spell casting practices may involve the use of candles, herbs, or other materials. Individuals are advised to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines to ensure personal well-being and prevent potential hazards.

6. Subjective Nature: Spell casting is subjective, and beliefs surrounding it can vary widely. Individuals should approach these practices with an open mind, recognizing the diversity of interpretations and beliefs.

7. Psychological Well-being: Engaging in spell casting may have psychological and emotional implications. Individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions should exercise caution and consult with mental health professionals before participating in practices that may impact their well-being.

8. Entertainment and Personal Exploration: Spell casting can be considered a form of entertainment and personal exploration. Users should approach it with a sense of curiosity and discernment, recognizing that interpretations and experiences may vary.

9. Legal Age: Spell casting is intended for individuals of legal age. Practitioners should ensure that their services are not provided to minors without the explicit consent of a legal guardian.

By choosing to engage in spell casting, individuals acknowledge the subjective nature of these practices, understand their cultural and personal significance, and assume personal responsibility for their beliefs and actions. This disclaimer serves as a reminder to approach spell casting with respect, discernment, and an awareness of its intended purpose for personal exploration and reflection.

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